Wednesday, 20 May 2009

The Preparations Have Begun...

Work is underway on preparing the A2 curriculum at Campion for you lucky young things. It's all looking very exciting so far! You can look forward to more independent study, focus on films and areas of film you are interested in and even a foray into themes in world cinema.

You'll need to get your best study heads on though because everything's about to step up a gear.

Coming soon: A list of films you'll need to familiarise yourselves with.

Miss Ryan :)

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Here Goes Nothing!

Well, our very first year of Film Studies at St Edmund Campion is done.

Well done to our intrepid class who bravely trod where none had gone before. An extra special well done to Franzi and Erika who bravely trod where none had gone before in a language other than their own - we are very proud of you girls and wish you every success when you return home. Now all we need to do is count down to results day!

This blog is to help us to communicate with our classes and to make sure that class notes and links to resources are available for you when you need them. Here's hoping it a) works and b) is useful.

Miss Ryan and Mrs Quoroll