Monday, 22 June 2009

Screenplay Homework Tasks

Two pieces of homework for Miss Ryan this week.

  1. Firstly, after looking at how screenplays are structured and laid out, I would like you to write a sample screenplay for 'The Hunted' (see film clip below). Please remember where capitalisation of words, sluglines, clear descriptions of action, layout of dialogue etc are supposed to be used and use them!
  2. Secondly, using the 'Ferris Bueller' screenplay and some cameras I would like you to have a go at turning a screenplay into a piece of film. You have until Friday to film the screenplay. On Friday we will have a go at uploading the film to the computers and trying out some of the editing software that we have available.

All work is due on Friday 26th June.

Please make sure you have collected a camera from me. You will find that a camera is very important in the execution of task two...

Miss Ryan

Monday, 15 June 2009

Film Making Project

Hello all,

Below is the link to the horror film opening sequence we watched in class today. If you need a copy of the task sheet then come and see me as soon as is humanly possible.

A huge thank you to the students from St Thomas Aquinas who created the film and were kind enough to let us watch it and bask in their film making genius.

Make sure that you have selected a genre or filmmaker and have a fully considered idea and outline for your opening sequence ready to post on your blog by Friday.

Ensure that you think through the micro aspects (cinematography, editing, mise-en-scene, performance, sound) fully as well as considering the macro aspects of your chosen genre. Use the task sheet handout to help you. If any of you can start to piece together a storyboard or screenplay then you could, potentially, begin filming next week. Exciting times!

Any problems or questions then please let me know as soon as possible.

Miss Ryan

Friday, 12 June 2009

Cidade de Deus

Research and answer the following:
  1. What is the capital of Brazil?
  2. What type of country is Brazil?
  3. What is its demographic?
  4. What is it famous for?
  5. What do you know about its past?
  6. What is a favela?
  7. What is the 'Cidade de Deus'?
  8. Look at the photos taken by children. What do the pictures tell you about real life in the Brazillian favelas?
  9. Watch the interview with Fernando Meirelles. Write down what you consider to be the most important parts of the interview.
  10. Read the BFI Sight and Sound review of the film. What are the key points and comments made about the film?
  11. Read the sites with information on the history of the favelas in Brazil. Create a factsheet to share with the class.
  12. Read the Guardian article about the actors from the film. Write down what you think is interesting from what you have read.

Information Points:

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Looking Ahead

As you begin to make your A2 choices we think it is important that we begin to think ahead in Film Studies and look forward to what can be done with a Film Studies qualification.

1. This website has an up to date list of Universities, courses and entry requirements.

2. For those of you that have been trying to work out what your point score may be:

3. Finally, if you are thinking even further ahead to what you could do with a Film Studies qualification, perhaps this list of suggested careers might help. If you think of anything else then let me know!
  • Runner
  • Film director
  • Production designer
  • Sound technician
  • Mutimedia specialist
  • Film editor
  • Production manager
  • Audience development manager
  • Arts administrator
  • Cinema manager
  • Film/video producer
  • Information assistant
  • Journalist
  • Librarian, special/academic
  • Media planner
  • Picture researcher
  • Presenter TV/radio
  • Television researcher
  • Advertising/marketing organisations
  • Film/television production companies
  • University/college/school teacher

Miss Ryan (",)

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

We are on the A2 journey . . .

Welcome to the start of what really is a very exciting year. We will be studying several fantastic films. This week we are exploring the aims of the course, a brief overview and an introduction to Fernando Meirelles' City of God (the best film I have seen for a long time!).

You will be given a range of research activities and you will be submitting your first pieces of Blog homework!!!