Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Shane [1953]

Work due on Friday 29th January.

No excuses! If you missed a lesson and didn't see all of the film then come to me with a memory stick and get it copied. You have plenty of time to research the questions.

Following on from our watching of the classic Western, 'Shane', please complete these tasks:

1. How does 'Shane' fit into the picture of the western genre that you're starting to get?

2. Compile a list of the elements which make it clear to you that 'Shane' is a western.
Do not focus solely on iconography in this task - consider characters, gender roles and narrative expectations. When we have our next lesson we will compare lists with other members of the class to see whether our ideas match up and whether there are any particular elements we may have missed.

3. How is the hero presented?
Try to identify particular scenes you believe are critical to an understanding of his character. Analyse the ways in which these scenes are being constructed in order to give the audience a particular understanding of his character.

4. Does this film seem to you to, in any way, reflect the period in which it was made?
This question will require some research on your part. Research how it might differ from Westerns that came both earlier and later than 'Shane' did in 1953.

You might also find it interesting to read this website: http://compassrosebooks.blogspot.com/2009/07/shane-enigma-at-heart-of-western.html

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Year 13 - Work for Mrs Quoroll's Class w/c 05.01.10

Hello busy bees! This is the work set for you by Mrs Quoroll. Please make sure it is completed for your lessons on Tuesday 12th January.

1. Ensure your Reflective Analysis (1000 Words) is complete. (Use the Mark scheme, pages 65-67 to help you and the check list I have created. Remember, you must reflect on your Screenplay and evaluate your practical application of learning.) Thank you Ryan for emailing your work – I will look at it and get back to you.

2. Take time to read through and look at each others' Reflective Analyses; try and give feedback and support.

3. In pairs ensure that you have selected four scenes from each film which can be compared and contrasted. Select scenes that show similar or opposing messages and values and those that deal with the issues of power, poverty and conflict. You could even explore characters from both films. (If this was not completed over the holidays, and it should have been, then this is your chance).

4. Ensure that your notes on the Social, Historical and Political contexts and key scenes from both films are detailed and complete pp254-267. During period five I would like you to prepare short ppt on the key information you have found out. Please use other sources to supplement your research; you will have access to the computers in room 110. Remember, that you have to write about these films in detail during the exam.