Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Feed My Inbox

For those of who who have not already subscribed to Feed My Inbox, please do so by clicking the image below:

All you need to do is paste the URL of this blog and enter your email address. Then, every time there is a new post on this blog, you will receive an email update which will summarise the post and remind you to check and see what the new information is.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Presentation Documents

Below are the documents that your presentations are to be based on.

Remember, once your A4 handouts are completed you will need to have 18 copies for the lesson. Come and see me BEFORE the lesson (Tuesday afternoon or Thursday before school) to copy them for you if you can't get it done any other way.

Miss Ryan

01 Film - How It All Started
02 the Early Days of Film
03 Sound and the Studio System
04 Scandals Undershirts and the Depression
05 the End of the Studio System
06 Indies
07 Appealing to the Box Office

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Monday 24th September

Our Year 12 Lesson on Monday 24th September during period 2 will be in the LRC, not in the Meeting Room.

Miss Ryan

Year 12 Presentation Task

The History of Western Cinema
As a class, we will help to ensure that everyone in the class has a rounded knowledge of the history of Western cinema from its beginnings to some of its modern developments.
Topics covered will be:
·         Film: How it all started
·         The Early Days of Film
·         Sound and the Studio System
·         ‘Scandals, Undershirts and the Depression’
·         The End of the Studio System
·         ‘Indies’ and Film Ratings
·         Appealing to the Box Office
TASK: Working in groups of twos or threes you will have one of the topics to cover. You will be given a rather uninspiring looking pack of notes and it is your job to summarise the information, locate the most important and interesting pieces and turn them into a fabulous presentation.

How you present the information is up to you but you will need to have following:
·         A PowerPoint display to support your presentation
·         Movie clips – usually hyperlinked from YouTube or similar
·         A one page handout that summarises the information from your presentation
·         And everyone must have a speaking part in the presentation

Presentations will be given on Thursday 27th September in our Period 4 lesson in G9.
If you have any questions or need any support please email me or comment below.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Comment Below

If you are in the Year 12 class and have seen the two new posts this weekend, please comment below with your first name.

Yes, I am checking up on whether you're looking at the blog - the state of the collage homeworks would suggest that very few of you are!

Miss Ryan x

World's Earliest Colour Film Footage

For the story that I mentioned on Friday click here.

My Son the Fanatic Homework

Your homework task is to complete the four activities on Page 80 of the AS Film Studies textbook, which you all have a copy of.

You will need your textbooks in lesson on TUESDAY.

The work is due on Wednesday 19th September in your lesson with Mrs Quoroll. Make sure you have your classwork books in your lesson with me on Tuesday 18th.

A reminder: If you haven't already, then please go to www.feedmyinbox.com to be updated by email each time this blog is updated.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Collage Homework

For those of you who didn't get a chance to copy down the homework, or were absent on Friday:

Task: Create a collage to show all that you know and love about film.
It is important that your collage is not just a load of pictures but it should contain quotations, information about the film industry, examples of advertising, your favourite actors, cinema ticket stubs and anything else you can think of. You should demonstrate any knowledge you have of film already and show evidence of film being all around us.

Due Friday 14th September

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Welcome to AS Film Studies 2012-2013

By now you should have a good idea of what is expected of you over the next year of study. Remember, if there is anything you are unsure of then you must make sure you ask.

Please complete the following learning log as a review activity in your Film Studies exercise book.

Learning Log
- Right now I am feeling...
- I am excited by...
- To be successful in A Level Film I need to...
- My teachers could help me by...
- I would like to know...

Finally, make a note of these two homework tasks in your planner:
The small task
Go to: http://www.empireonline.com/ and sign up to their weekly newsletter at the top of the Empire website. As a Film Studies student it will be really important for you to stay up to date with the world of film and Empire is a great way to do that.

The big task:
Create a film collage.
On it you should show the kind of film that you are interested in, demonstrate any knowledge you have of film already and show evidence of film being all around us.
It should be LARGE... Think bigger than A3!
Due: Friday 14th September

Home Cinema Day

Today is...

What will you be watching?