Friday, 16 November 2012

FM1 Micro Analysis Coursework

By now, you should all have a film, extract and micro-features to analyse chosen for your coursework. If you were absent on Friday and have not made a final decision the please email Miss Ryan this weekend with film clips you are considering.

We are going to dedicate periods 2 and 3 on Tuesday to the coursework. You will be able to work on it for two solid hours in school so you will need to remember:

  1. Over this weekend, work on your micro-analysis. Save the changes you make and ensure that the piece of work that is furthest along is saved into your Dropbox folder so that you can access it in school
  2. Bring a copy of your film or your chosen extract (digital version or DVD)
  3. Bring your headphones
You will be in Room 110 for periods 2 and 3 on Tuesday.
The deadline for your micro-analysis draft is Monday 26th November 2012

Thursday, 15 November 2012


Another genius idea to make your lives easier!

Follow this link and sign up to Dropbox: