Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Christmas Presents

As I sit here the sky looks full of snow so fingers crossed for a white Christmas. I wanted to update both Year 12 and Year 13 as to what is expected from you, over Christmas, with regards to Film Studies.

You need to be very aware that after Christmas we only have five months until your AS and A2 exams; with that in mind it is imperative that deadlines are adhered to and focused study is carried out especially during the holidays.

Year 13

1. Complete your Reflective Analysis (1000 Words). Use the Mark scheme, pages 65-67 to help you and the check list I have created. Remember, you must reflect on your Screenplay and evaluate your practical application of learning.
2. Re- watch News from a Private War and make detailed notes in your book; you must focus on the different viewpoints of the dealers, the police and the slum dwellers. This will help you place the film in context and understand the social background.
3. Re-watch both films and select four scenes from each film which can be compared and contrasted. Select scenes that show similar or opposing messages and values and those that deal with the issues of power, poverty and conflict. You could even explore characters from both films. Please ensure that your notes are supported with the relevant screenshots.
4. Ensure all of your folders and class notes are up-to-date.

Year 12

1. Complete your reflective analysis for your storyboard (750 words). Use the mark scheme, the relevant text book pages and the check list. These will be handed out tomorrow.
2. Ensure that the storyboard is completed with the accompanying information
3. Ensure all of your folders and class notes are up-to-date as they will be checked during the first week back.

Merry Christmas,
Mrs Q

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